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點解男女🧑🏻👩🏻用家們都大讚: 「NEO使用簡單又見效 ???」

NEO 其中就蘊含🌿鋸棕櫚提取物





【毛囊殺手👾👾👾DHT(二氫睪酮)】 DHT存在於腎上腺、毛囊、睪丸和前列腺中,主要功能是在青春期🤸‍♂️時促進雄性性徵(如臉部毛髮🧔),但成年後卻變成引致雄性禿主因。 DHT並不會直接讓頭髮脫落後不再生長,它是抑制毛囊生成毛髮,讓頭髮慢慢變少,變幼。而有遺傳性脫髮的人,會對DHT更敏感。
【🌿鋸棕櫚— 抑制DHT】 鋸棕櫚已被證實可以有效減少毛囊細胞受體與DHT的結合。非常適合在雄性禿初期使用,或是預防雄性禿的發生。

Neo Hair Lotion 專利配方能有效根治脱髮、禿頭、🙆🏻M字額、💧油性頭、頭皮屑、產後脫髮、髮轉/眉毛/鬍鬚稀疏、白髮等問題


🍈哈蜜瓜提取物 • 加速黑髮生長,令髮根更粗壯強靭結實,抑制頭髮脫落跌倒。 🌴鋸棕櫚提取物 • 有效抑制頭髮破壞因子「二氫睪酮」(DHT)和雄激素性脱髮的形成,解決體內荷爾蒙分泌改變或遺傳原因引起的脫髪問題。 🌱白蔘提取物 • 具有多種保養功能,滋養髮根,加速頭髮生長,保持髮根牢固,減少脫髮 。 🌿馬尾草提取物 • 有抗炎,抗氧化,和抗菌特性。 有潔淨頭皮的效能。 🌼烏心草提取物 具有抗衰老、烏髮之功效。 🥥🍯椰子及野生蜂蜜提取物 • 有助於修復和保護,免受陽光和外來污染物的破壞侵害,復修頭皮減少油膩的問題。
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認可內含的各種天然草藥提取物🌱,能夠有效地處理所有頭髮的問題, 不管是由遺傳還是變質引起的問題,都能在3瓶內回復髪囊健康。
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NeoHairLotion Ingredients

Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) Reduces the effects of DHT (a derivative of testosterone that prevents the hair to take up nutrients from the blood), which will transport more nutrients to the hair. Field horsetail (Equisetum arvense) Anti-inflammatory. Traditionally used for treatment of wounds. False Daisy (Eclipta Prostrata) Moisturizes the scalp, prevents dry skin and dandruff. It also strengthens hair follices and follicle beds, preventing hair loss and slowing down conditions like male pattern baldness. In India, it is called Bhringraj, and its extracts have been proven effective in promoting hair growth. Additionally, this wonderful flower provides benefits helping with liver health and cancer prevention, urinary infections, soothes the stomach and helps with bowel infections, respiratory infections, eye health, tooth health, asthma, diabetics and is used to make the skin soft. White ginseng (Ginseng radix alba) Stimulates blood circulation around the head, in order to transport nutrients to the hair roots. Also activates hair roots, speeds up hair growth, nourishes the hairs and reduce hair loss. Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo) Inhibits hair loss, speeds up hair growth, strengthens the hair, softens it and makes it shiny. Coconut (Cocos Nucifera) Rich in vitamin E and fatty acids, with deeply nurturing moisture. Stimulates hair growth and repairs damaged hair Honey Honey is an emollient, which means it seals the moisture in the hair. This reduces breakage, which is often a cause for slow hair growth. It also strengthens the hair follicles, which will decrease hair fall.
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🌟本公司產品取得香港標準及檢定中心STC驗測認証🌟代理商授權 100%正貨保證🎖🌟

❌ 絕不含西藥成份❌ 不含「米諾地爾 Minoxidil」❌
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NeoHairLotionHK 是天然產品🌱不帶藥性,不會在兩、三個月間令你大爆髮! 用家們持之以恆、早晚使用 加點耐心,你會發現當中微妙的 生髮過程 由內到外慢慢調節,必定好起來💪🏻可長期使用作頭皮保養品。